Hello, all! This is Geoffrey and I’m assisting Miranda with communications for Penguicon 2018. You may not know me, or you may… either way – Hello!

Seems we have some housekeeping to do before everyone starts dressing up and begging for candy, so let me run it down:

  1. There’s a ConCom meeting this Sunday (October 15, 2017, so if you’re reading this after that date then there may very well not be a meeting this coming Sunday… you’ve been warned). If you would you like to help make the 2018 event the best yet check out the invitation on Facebook.
  2. Speaking of ConCom meetings, if you’d like to read the PenguiNotes from the last two then you’re in luck! Here are August’s and September’s in all their (not quite) parliamentary procedural glory.
  3. Do you have an idea for programming for 2018? A panel, presentation, workshop, etc. – let’s hear it! Perhaps you have an awesome choir that can really belt out “Dragonborn,” or maybe you’re dying to share your love of Angular 2 with someone (anyone!) – if you can make a case for it for being at Penguicon, tell us on the Present an Event page!
  4. We all have our favorite causes, so why not suggest one as a charity for Penguicon to give to? Head on over to the Suggest a Charity page and let us know (there is a rule they be legit charities, so no suggestions for “Fund Bender’s Kegger,” please).
  5. Lastly, we can always use more help. If you enjoy helping staff or plan events (or even if you’ve never done any such thing before and have a gnawing feeling inside that’s not a parasitical organism but is a need to give back or contribute) head on over to the aptly named Join Our Staff page.

That about does it! If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line!