Our content is entirely sourced from our local community, Featured Guests and our Guests of Honor. We welcome both beginners and veteran presenters alike.
Types of Events:
- A panel is any discussion with multiple presenters who get up in front of an audience and discuss the topic.
- A presentation is a talk delivered by one person. This is usually a subject matter expert of some sort.
- A workshop/demonstration is a hands-on event where presenters teach audience members how to do/make something. Penguicon does offer reimbursement for workshop supplies!
- A music/film/spoken performance could be anything from a book reading to a short film screening to a solo electric triangle concert;)
- A birds of a feather session is any discussion around a topic or common interest scheduled without official panelists. This is where you just show up and talk with whoever comes to chat. If you don’t want the responsibility of running a panel, this may be for you.
- A computer lab workshop is held in our Linux computer lab. Past events in the computer lab have ranged from coding classes to résumé writing workshops.
If you speak for more than three hours of approved programming OR submit one hour’s event documentation (email [email protected] for details), you will also have a discounted membership! Note: We reserve the right to alter panel titles, descriptions, or presenters as necessary, though we will make every effort to notify the submitter in advance.