Welcome to our new web site for Penguicon in 2018! We’re so excited to get to work on creating the next iteration of the best conference and convention ever. Our theme for 2018 will be Connectivity – both social connections and Internet of Things, so we look forward to providing some great panels and events on those topics.
Today, you can register to attend Penguicon next May 2-4. You can also leave us feedback with any suggestions you have for next year’s convention – we appreciate any feedback, including any improvements we can make to this web site. As soon as possible, we’ll have the link to register for your hotel room at the Westin Southfield available, too.
We announced at Closing Ceremonies in 2017 that our first Guest of Honor will be Mark Oshiro! We can’t wait to tell you more about the con, including announcing our next Guests of Honor, so please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or keep an eye on this site for more details.
I am so honored and thrilled to be your Chair for 2018, please contact me or our Head of Communications if you have any questions.
~Cassy Sinke